What I am missing on del.icio.us
As member of a team I was looking for some solution which will enable us to share bookmarks across the team. Because I have some good experiences with del.icio.us bookmark manager and it also fulfil basic conditions, my focus was clear from the beginning.
The basic conditions were:
- bookmarks should be shared among all team members
- because the members are traveling and then they are out of corporate network we need access to bookmarks from anywhere
- posting and using bookmark should be as simple as possible
- some members uses IE, some members uses Mozilla
- at least some members of team (eg. me :-) has it's own personal account on del.icio.us and they want to use bookmarks from both of them at a time.
- network member's bookmarks are not merged between user's bookmarks (I mean merged just for view)
- for:ta tag suggestion is present, but it adds bookmarks just into "links for you" section of TA (BTW at the moment it is impossible to remove proposed bookmark - see del.icio.us FAQ)
- we can't use personal and TA account together with browser extension
- somebody should be responsible for accepting proposed bookmarks of TA from "links for you"
- you cant use browser extension to access team bookmarks
- you can't search bookmarks by tags (but you can create more Live Bookmarks for each or some tags)
- when somebody save bookmarks from "links for you" to main group the bookmark is present in both groups
- improve "links for you" functionality
- user can define list of trusted users and their proposed bookmarks will be added directly (with some flag) into "my bookmarks"
- provide possibility to delete bookmarks from "links from you" group (in progress - see del.icio.us FAQ)
- improve "network" functionality
- provide possiblity to configure you network member to have his bookmarks merged (just for view) between your bookmarks
- provide RSS feeds containing users tags
The way we do it at our company is similar to yours.
We have a common company account at del.icio.us. Everybody adds bookmarks under his or her name (personal account). This also allows people from outside make bookmarks for us.
However, reading bookmarks is not done via del.icou.us web interface. We use RSS feeds for that. Most of us uses some form of RSS feed reader to fetch the bookmarks. I personally use Google reader that allows me to keep up with bookmarks from work as well as from home.
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